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Grupo de Filosofía Aplicada y Políticas Queer. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Verónica Tozzi y Moira Pérez.
En Stefan Berger, Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method. Londres (Reino Unido): Bloomsbury.
Epistemology of history refers to the philosophical reflection on the possibility of reaching true beliefs or justified knowledge about the past. In 1951, William H. Walsh (1913–86) called it “critical philosophy of history” (Walsh 1961), and in 2009 Aviezer Tucker suggested the name “philosophy of historiography.” The field, which must be distinguished from speculative (metaphysical) reflections the meaning of events themselves, has seen great development in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this article we will first offer an overview of its now classic debates referring to topics such as explanation vs. understanding, the possibility of knowing the past, or relativism, and then we will present three offshoots of contemporary social epistemology that are particularly relevant for reflections on historiography: epistemologies related to marginalized subjects (where we include feminist, postcolonial, decolonial and queer perspectives), epistemology of testimony, and virtue epistemology. In our view, these are currently the most promising developments this discipline offers for an epistemically responsible and socially committed historiographical practice.
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