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Early infancy: a moving world. Embodied experience and the emergence of thinking
Español, Silvia.
En The Cambridge Handbook of Socio-Cultural Psychology. Second Edition. Cambridge (Estados Unidos): Cambridge University Press.
This work links developmental psychology to scientific, practic and experiential understanding of human movement.  In the first part we discuss the role of experience in motor development, fundamentals aspects of the enactive program?s quality of mindfulness, the emergence of the field of somatics, and the qualities of body awareness. In the second part, a developmental trajectory of the first months of the baby´s life that does not have the emergence of the symbolic capability as an ethos (ending point of the most acknowledged developmental theories) is presented. By paying attention to interoceptive, proprioceptive and kinesthetic qualities of infant´s experiences and his states of enhanced connectivity or resonance with others is described how the mapping of infant embodied awareness develops. To outline this psychological path we use the progression of corporeal patterns proposed in somatic discipline. We conclude that each infant movement fundamental pattern is an occasion for learning, expressing feelings and developing cognition; that shared movements, even the most basic such as breathing, are an occasion for intersubjective encounter; and that the spirit, as lived in each culture, reaches the baby through movement´s vitality forms perceived, received and shared with others.
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