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Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Humano, Universidad de San Andrés
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Do Scarring Effects Vary by Ethnicity and Gender?
Carolina V. Zuccotti y Jaqueline O'Reilly.
En Jaqueline O'Reilly, Janine Leschke, Renate Ortlieb, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser y Paola Villa, Youth Labor in Transition: Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe. Oxford (Reino Unido): Oxford University Press.

Labor market opportunities often depend on previous labor market experiences. In the UK, however, this relationship varies greatly by ethnicity and gender. This chapter examines how early labor market experiences of men and women from different ethnic groups (aged 16-29 in 2001) affect their employment and occupational outcomes ten years later. It compares the outcomes of white-British and second-generation ethnic groups from Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Caribbean communities. It discusses the mechanisms affecting scaring and how this varies between ethnic groups and genders. This includes both the role of employers and the cultural characteristics of the groups. The analysis is based on the ONS-Longitudinal Study, a large-scale dataset from England and Wales. Asian men´s employment probabilities are less affected by a previous period of unemployment/inactivity compared to the White British; the opposite is observed for Pakistani and Caribbean women compared to White British women.
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