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Madrid, España.
Forlani Chiara y Scholten Andrew (2016). Legal Aspects of Human Rights Protection in Failed States. Bibliographica, 10 (2), 300-306.
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Scholten Andrew (2016). The Politics of Expulsions and Mass Deportations: Current Issues and Challenges. Congress of Social Work, Madrid.
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Scholten Andrew y Bresson, Julien (2016). Current Environmental Changes and Forced Population Mobility: A Literature Review. Congress of Urban Analysis and Planning, Geneva.
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Scholten, Andrew (2016). International Human Rights Law Aspects of Forced Migrations, Evictions and Displacement: Current Issues and Challenges. New Trends in Regional Development” Conference, Siena, June 3rd 2016. Universidad Compulense Madrid, Madrid.
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Scholten, Andrew (2016). International Law Aspects of Forced Deportations and Expulsions. Congress on Urban Issues, Malaga.
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Scholten, Andrew (2016). International Migrations and Human Smuggling: A Legal Analysis of its Social And Humanitarian Consequences. Conference on International Partnership in Humanitarian Issues in San Remo (Italy), August 7th 2016. University of Catania, San Remo.
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Scholten, Andrew (2016). Legal Aspects of Human Trafficing: Law, Politics, and Society. Conference on Human Rights in Bologna, Bologna.
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Scholten, Andrew y Bresson, Julien (2016). International Environmental Law: A Human Rights Oriented Approach. Congress on Public Health, Coimbra.
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Scholten, Andrew y Bresson, Julien (2016). International Human Rights Law Aspects of Transitional Justice in Brazil. Third Congress of Transitional Justice in Latin America. Barcelona University, Barcelona.
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Andrew Scholten (2017). Books on International Migration Law, International Refugee Law and International Law of Internal Displacement. Documento de trabajo, OSCRO.
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Scholten Andrew y Jennings Andrew (2016). Selected New Books on Migration Studies Published in 2016. Revisto.
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