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Inequalities and Construction of Meanings in the Educational Psychology Curriculum for Training the Trainers in Argentina During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Gomez, Natalia.
En Portillo, Nelson, Morgan, Mellisa L. y Gallegos, Miguel, Psychology and Covid-19 in the Americas. Cham (Suiza): Springer.
An exploratory study is presented on the sociocultural activity in a Teacher Training Institute in the context of the pandemic and virtual education, focusing on the challenges of educational inclusion. During the pandemic, inequalities deepened and had a significant impact on the right to education of students and on the particular conditions of this institution. A teaching and learning process was proposed where this unequal situation was problematized with second year students in Educational Psychology at the initial level professorship. The results and conclusions indicate as strengths the joint work at different institutional levels and the previous provincial frameworks. As obstacles, material resources, technological accessibility, time distribution, gender and social inequality were mentioned.
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