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Universidad de Palermo (UP)
La Plata, Argentina.
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Improvement and growth of local productive systems through identity, self-sufficiency and Municipal Development Fora
Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, Luciana Mercedes Girotto.
International Conference of Territorial Intelligence - Salerno 2009. Facoltà Scienze della Formazione - Università di Salerno (UNISA) y la European Network of Territorial Intelligence (ENTI), Salerno, 2009.
This paper intends to serve as a starting point for the discussion of a new perspective of territorial development. In accordance with Boisier, we understand the concept of territorial development as one related to the idea of container, as opposed to content. This is why we realize that even though every portion of the earth´s surface is territory, not all territories matter from a development point of view. The aforementioned author differentiates among: ?natural territory?, constituted by natural elements and free from any human intervention; "equipped territory" or intervened territory, in which man has already built transportation systems, infrastructure and even extractive production activities; and "organized territory", characterized by the existence of a community with local identity, politically and administratively regulated. These territories become subjects of interventions that promote development. This is why we propose a model structured around the creation of Municipal Development Fora, which will generate, with the participation of local actors, a Local Development Program. The proposal is formulated for territories over 5,000 and below 30,000 inhabitants. This criterion is based on the applicability of the proposed model to municipalities with potential for territorial development, large and balanced internal consumption, but where progress is hindered by the proximity of one or two political jurisdictions of a larger productive scale that have became regional administrative centers. We think it is necessary to consider the notion of development in the human scale, proposed by Max-Neef, who proposes that it is focused into and based on satisfying the main human needs, in moving towards self-reliance and the articulation between people, nature and technology. The development program will consider a diagnosis of the productive profile of the territory and its relationship with the characteristics and origin of goods or services consumed at the municipality. From the diagnosis, the causes of the uncoupling between the local productive system and the consumption needs of the inhabitants could be detected. And after that, a way could be found to readjust the local productive systems, so they can satisfy the resident?s demands for goods and services, and to generate new enterprises from available resources, therefore encouraging local consumption. This territorial development model aims to move towards self-sufficiency on goods and services, to create new jobs and to promote effective and efficient use of local resources. To reach those goals it is vital to prevent inhabitants from satisfying their consumption needs in neighbor municipalities when they could be solved locally, strengthening their own productive system. In many cases, the ?flight of consumption? may be due to causes such as: 1. Lack of goods or services within the territory; 2. Provision of internal goods and services of inadequate quality when compared to those offered outside the municipality; 3. Disadvantages in credit facilities; 4. Less accessibility and variety of goods and services. Also, sometimes, what the inhabitants demand in a certain territory is not produced internally. The reasons for this may be: 1. Lack of knowledge of the characteristics of local demand; 2. Inadequate productive know-how; 3. Lack of funding to strengthen the existing productive systems or to promote the creation of new enterprises. To achieve that, it will be encouraged the generation of new productive enterprises that satisfy the needs for local goods and services which have not been answered within the territory for diverse motives. Besides, the institutional aspect will be considered, proposing a methodology for the design and start-up of the Municipal Development Fora. The call to the fora shall be as comprehensive as possible, keeping in mind Buarque ?who affirms that local development results from the capacity of the social actors to mobilize themselves to strengthen their potential?, taking their culture into account, to define their priorities and to improve their competitiveness. Regarding the fora, it will also be necessary to establish: characteristics, composition, objectives, performance, budget and internal and external coordination. In short, we propose to tackle territorial development from an innovative perspective, focusing on the creation of Municipal Development Fora that foster the improvement and growth of the productive system, the creation of jobs, local identity and the consumption of goods and services locally produced.
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