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Socializing and Disseminating the Academic and Intellectual Creation: Experiences from La Plata National University
De Giusti, Marisa y Villarreal, Gonzalo Luján.
International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2009. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2009.
During the year 2008 La Plata National University (UNLP) has stressed up in its Strategic Plan that all Intellectual Creation from professors, students and researchers must be visible and accessible from outside the scope of this college: the University has a considerable scientific and academic production, and the world might see it if it was somewhere easily available. In this direction, projects such as SeDiCI UNLP have been strongly strengthen, and new projects have been created: The Portal of Journals and The Portal of Congresses. The Portal of Journals, launched in October 2008, aims to provide UNLP´s groups ?laboratories, researchers, dependences, teachers and students? that have or wish to have an on-line publication with a platform that facilitates the hard work that this kind of task demands; this portal is supported on PKP´s OJS software. In the same way, the Portal of Congresses, brought out in April 2009, provides services for everyone in the University that needs help in the accomplishing of any kind of scientific-academic meeting (e.g. congresses, symposiums, workshops); OCS is the platform that is behind this portal. Both brand-new projects have presented many challenges, since most people in UNLP have never had a service as such and they need to learn a new way of carrying out theirs Journals and/or Conferences (including internal organization by division of roles and tasks, communication, revision and publication) and a new software platform as well. In order to smooth out these difficulties, the group in charge of the projects (PrEBi UNLP) have put into practice many measures including workshops, modifications to the platform by users requests, help via email, scheduled meetings with people of one single journal or conference, on-line examples and a collaborative wiki. Besides the advantages that these portals contemplates, both projects articulate theirs efforts with the Diffusion Service of UNLP (SeDiCI), which boosts the dissemination of academic-scientific production. Along this article these measures will be explained in detail, together with the experiences and results obtained from each one which have enable us to identify best practices, detect future problems and achieve great results.
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