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Escrituras algorítmicas e imágenes invisibles: Tecnoestética y política
Anahí Alejandra Re, Flavia Costa, Claudio Célis Bueno y Agustín Berti.
Pensando. Revista de Filosofia, vol. 11, 2020, pp. 41-53.
The massification of digital technologies and networks accelerates previous processes related to the automaton of perception. This allows for further technical agency in contemporary forms of governmentality. Considered from a theoretical perspective, this issue can be approached using previous discussion regarding the connection between aesthetics and technics. More specifically, two concepts become relevant for offering an original interpretation of the new application of these technologies to the domain of human practices: "algorithmic writing" and "invisible images". Following Gilbert Simondon´s concept of ?techno-aesthetics?, this article argues that experimental poetics allow reading these novel technologies as concretisations of a type of data circulation that do not rely on human agents. The article begins by introducing Simondon?s concept which is then extended to the specific domain of digital objects and digital networks. This allows approaching the issue of aesthetic objects from a new ontological framework, as the result of an algorithmic process that highlights the new technologies of machine perception not intended for a human spectator. Furthermore, the reading of this new form of technical perception from this perspective challenges the anthropocentric framework through which the relation between signs and politics has been traditionally understood. The article concludes with a reflection regarding the importance of such a perspective for an adequate comprehension of the relation between technics and politics today.* Enviado 17 de junio de 2020. Aceptado 1 de septiembre de 2020.
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