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On digital hypomnémata
Agustín Berti.
OEI, 2022.
The first volume of Bernard Stiegler´s "Technics & Time" makes a very underestimated claim: "inorganic organized matter" is the continuation of life by means other than life. Since that assertion onwards, Stiegler looked back to different approaches on technology that allowed him to build a theory of hypomnemata. Such a theory allowed him to go beyond the limits of the retentional model of perception proposed by Husserl, and in doing so, helped him propose an articulation of the two main Simondonean theses on "becoming": concretization (in The Mode of Existence of Technical Objects) and individuation (in L´individuation psychique et collective : à la lumière des notions de forme, information, potentiel et métastabilité [Physique and Collective Individuation in the light of the notions of form, information, potential and metastability]). That project laid the foundations for a new political philosophy in For a New Critique of Political Economy that incorporated the concepts of Derridean "grammatization" and Deleuzean "modulation" and helped him understand the "unseen relations between technics, science and desire" that characterize the age of algorithmic governmentality. This paper discusses the importance of hypomnemata in the context of digital culture and algorithmic guvernmentality.
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