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ICAES - Argentina (ICAES)
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Interacciones entre Internacionalización, Intercambios y Culturas Institucionales
Sergio Ricardo Quiroga.
Integración y Conocimiento, vol. 1, 2017, pp. 253-265.
Internationalization trends connect universitiesand higher education institutions. The universitycommunities should promote institutional spacesto promote a culture of dialogue, collaboration,and academic and academic exchange within aframework of transparency, openness and thepromotion of participation. It is a question ofrethinking an institutional culture that createsawareness and encourages exchange andcooperation and recognizes the dimension ofinternationalization. The presence of theuniversity community in the projects of exchangeand networking can improve the quality ofeducation and teaching practices, thedevelopment of research and the greater trainingof students, recognizing homogeneity, diversityand university heterogeneity
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