¿No posee una cuenta?
Education and narratives: the moving image
Quiroga Sergio Ricardo y Baldi López, Graciela.
En Denis Porto Renó, audiovisual contemporâneo: Mercado, educação e novas telas. Rosario (Argentina): UNREditorial de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

Since the teaching performance spaces - communication - visual morphology - and multimedia language in a high school in Argentina with guidance on "Art, Communication and Design", began to investigate the value and educational potential of the use of images and motion pictures as an educational resource in the classroom.
The use of video for viewing movies and documentaries in its various forms are and has been widely used in Argentine schools. The provision of this resource has enriched the educational work and teaching in primary school children and young people attending high school. While it is an excellent resource, not all schools have been able to count on him.
One case is that of the school where took place our analysis and reflection. On the other hand, also it has extensive development and testing the use of audiovisual materials and ICTs in the classroom. These activities were favored by the next distribution of netbooks in Argentine secondary schools and government actions as the Virtual Post Title "Education and ICT" given by the Ministry of education's Office for the purpose of promoting a different education. These actions promote different learning linked with the new educational paradigms and the increasing use of ICT in school. While this happens, even cell phone use has an ambiguous treatment and a large number of schools are prohibited.
At this time these new possibilities that technology is offering teachers there are some opportunities to design proposals for open learning, innovative to promote participation and invite distributed establish connections with the community of practice online. Students not only learn only in schools and universities but in different contexts. The film, television and other media constitute the narrative field of the great stories of our contemporaneity that transmit values and worldviews. The studies on the relationship between literacy and visual literacy not been developed to increase clarity on these phenomena.
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