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Symbols and Manipulation: the Dynamic of Political Communication in Contemporary Argentina
Quiroga, Sergio.
En Himmet Karadal, 10th EMI Congress Proceeding. Estambul (Turquía): EMI Congress.
Symbols in politics play a fundamental role in communicating ideas, values and emotions effectively and quickly. Below, some key aspects of the relationship between symbols and politics are explored. The study focuses on the new political force led by the Argentine politician Javier Milei and whose party is called "La Libertad Avanza" and who will win the 2023 elections for the country's presidency. Digital technology has democratized access to information and participation in political discussions, allowing greater connection and citizen expression. However, it can also have negative effects, such as the creation of filter bubbles due to algorithms, exposing individuals to only certain points of view and distancing them from a broader reality.
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