¿No posee una cuenta?
Digital Journalism and Education: How Public Authorities Lower the Voice of Citizens
Sergio Ricardo Quiroga.

In this paper, we examine the educational information producedduring 2014 by media organization Agencia de Noticias San Luis (ANSL),a news agency with a digital platform created in 2012 and managed bythe state. This work may be instrumental for studying the macro-themedmessages in what we call ?educational frames?, in a province where thedominance of state media is relevant. The methodologies used are frequencyanalysis and the examination of texts and their meaning. In the provinceof San Luis from Argentina, since the advent of democracy in 1983, theruling Justicialist (Peronist) Party had the tendency to meddle with publicservice media, especially during election periods, thus creating partisancontent. The relevant educational topics and the main diffi culties facedby education in San Luis, and key actors of the educational process wereabsent from ANSL agenda. The narrative of ANSL about the educationalissues was dominated by issues such as computer use, Wi-Fi access, andgovernment initiatives for all students.
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