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Writing and the Body: Interfaces of Violence in Neoliberal Mexico
Cruz Arzabal, Roberto.
En Sánchez Prado, Ignacio M., Mexican Literature in Theory. Londres (Reino Unido): Bloomsbury.

Neoliberalism is more than an economic system, it’s a cultural frame for the production of heterogeneous signs, it is a semiotic operator whose semiotics are both signifying and a-signifying (Deleuze & Guattari; Lazzarato); for that reason it is necessary to explore and analyze the ways in which art objects work with several languages and concepts to produce sensitive records of exclusions and negotiations within the economic territories created by globalization.
Taking as starting point the proposal by Alexander R. Galloway to think the interface as a mediation space and an autonomous zone of activity, I propose the critical reading of texts that have been written as an aesthetic response to the horrorism of financial economy, specially those that work with the materiality of the text that can be seen as a work with the «submedial space» of the Archive (Groys): Hugo Garcia Manriquez's Anti-Humboldt (Aldus/Litmus Press, 2015); Eugenio Tisselli’s The 27th / 27th (motorhueso.net, 2014), Mónica Nepote’s Hechos diversos (Acapulco, 2010; some of the poems of the book have been translated by John Pluecker and published in some reviews) and Sara Uribe's Antígona González (Les Figues Press, 2016).
The paper focus in the work with critical forms that articulate the violence of capital and its relationship with the media ecology of contemporary literature through the use of two main concepts: body and the writing. The main aim is to theorize their multiplicity as modes of reterritorialization of violence in the neoliberal age.
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