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Bullying and Cyberbullying: A Legal and Public Policy Perspective in Colombia
Arrieta-López, Milton y Carrasquilla-Díaz, Laura.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, vol. 29, núm. 4, 2021, pp. 2135-2151.
Children and adolescents have evolved in the cultural contexts of the digital age as a result of the technological revolution, which has led to new forms of bullying. This research consists of analyzing bullying and cyberbullying in Colombia from a legal perspective. The methodology used is the legal analysis of law and policy documents on school matters in Colombia. It is concluded that restorative justice should be used in cases of bullying and cyberbullying, taking into account that it enables spaces for reconciliation and restoration of the infringed damage. It also involves victims, perpetrators, and the educational community in its process. In terms of public policies, considering the severe damage caused by cyberbullying, it is advisable to consider the school programs´ implementation that informs potential victims about the precautions they should take to avoid the risks of virtual harassment.
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