¿No posee una cuenta?
The sovereignty between the waiver to the unlimited rights do hobbesian covenant and the “true alienation” of the pact rousseaunian
Mariano da Rosa, Luiz Carlos.
Akrópolis – Revista de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Paranaense / UNIPAR [Umuarama, PR], vol. 24, núm. 1, 2016, pp. 1-84.

Pausing in the transition from the state of nature to civil society, the article contrasts the contingent and voluntary character of the Hobbesian contract and the need to involve the social Inception process that determines the Rousseau pact, converging on the antinomy of the relationship involving freedom and authority in accordance with the prospect of Hobbes demand the resignation of the unlimited rights of individuals on the basis of state sovereignty and entails the establishment of the sovereign as representative, holder of all collective and only source of power law, according to the reading of RousseauIt requires the “true alienation” of individuals in the face of popular sovereignty and results in the formation of the sovereign people, the only legitimate source of power and its sole owner, and the institution of the General Will as a condition for their exercise.
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