¿No posee una cuenta?
Will the general as a condition for the exercise of popular sovereignty in Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Mariano da Rosa, Luiz Carlos.
Revista Problemata - Revista Internacional de Filosofia (UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraíba), ISSN: 2236-8612 (João Pessoa - PB), vol. 6, núm. 2, 2015, pp. 151-177.

Based on the character needs to read Rousseau assigns to the social pact, which implies the act by which a people can make people converging to form a collective body and morality that emerges as the only legitimate source of power and its sole owner, the Article notes the General Will as a condition for the exercise of popular sovereignty, showing that it imposes is nothing but a socioeconomic structure that enables its manifestation as such, terminating the common interest and makes a process that involves the collective decisions and before its preparation, demanding the creation of concrete conditions for its objectification, which transposes the meaning of a mere sum of particular wills it, resulting in the will of all (most) features a system that structurally tend to inequality and injustice and that, therefore, a logical guard unable to promote their resilience.
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