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Library Statistics Database of the National University of La Plata (Argentine): A cooperative experience
Fushimi, Marcela, Mangiaterra, Norma, Pichinini, Mariana y Archuby, Gustavo.
En Library Statistics for the 21st Century World. München (Alemania): K.G.Saur.
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }A:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 255); } In October 2001, there were formed the Interlibraries Task Forces (ITF) in the field of libraries of the UNLP with the idea of moving in various joint projects and form a network, whose face visible is Portal ROBLE (www.roble.unlp.edu.ar). Among the teams, the ITF Evaluation of Information Units, was established with the aim of developing "management indicators applicable to all libraries of the UNLP in order to measure and diagnose them, facilitating decision making and processes of continuous improvement". Within this framework, we developed a standardized statistical survey of libraries basic data, which took into account the existing international norms and standards on the issue, as well as developments implemented in various countries for the realization of university libraries statistics. Among others, were consulted developments of SCONUL (UK), REBIUN (Spain), CAUL (Australia) and ASIBU (France). The statistical form was applied to all participating libraries in the network ROBLE in 2001 and 2004, and its results were published in two separate statistical yearbooks. In both cases, the survey data was performed based on a spreadsheet that libraries completed and sent to the task force for central processing and analysis.
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