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Applying Epistemic Approach to Analyze Bio-intercultural Relationships Among Local Indigenous People and Nature
Magdalena Lagunas-Vázques y Magdalena Lagunas-Vázques.
En Alfredo Ortega-Rubio y Alfredo Ortega-Rubio, Socio-ecological Studies in Natural Protected Areas. LA PAZ, B.C.S (México): Red Nacional Áreas Naturales Protegidas RENANP-CON.
Dirección estable:
This chapter presents a review of the socio-historic and cultural knowledge that conditions the ways of understanding, interpreting, and relating in and
with the natural world from an intercultural perspective on the part of the local
indigenous inhabitants of the natural protected areas (NPA) of Latin America. The
Good Living theory will be the philosophical approach to develop the present analysis, from the ancestral indigenous American perspective, which is considered an
integrating theoretical framework with a cosmic approach and not anthropocentric.
Archivos adicionales:
Applying Epistemic Approach to Analyze Bio-intercultural Relationships Among Local Indigenous People and Nature
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