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Capitalismo y formación regional. Chiclayo entre los siglos XIX y XX (edición digital)
Gómez Cumpa, José W. y Bazán Alfaro, Inés.
IP&D / Concytec (Lima).
It gives an account of the processes that allowed the formation of a regional economic-social space in the north of Peru, of which the city of Chiclayo and the sugar plantations of Lambayeque constituted the hegemonic axis. This regional axis articulates the various peripheral productive forms of a broader space (it covers the department of Lambayeque, and a large part of the departments of Cajamarca, Amazonas and San Martín) in a subordinate manner. This process of regional formation -which had antecedents in colonial commercial circuits and even in pre-Hispanic regional social forms- occurred mainly between 1860 and 1930 in circumstances in which this region in formation was incorporated into the world market within the new international division of the job. The region, in turn, assumed a peripheral role in relation to the dominant patterns of accumulation at the world level.
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