¿No posee una cuenta?
El ambiente laboral. Tendencias y percepciones
Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena.
Trabajo y Sociedad. Indagaciones sobre el empleo, la cultura y las prácticas políticas en sociedades segmentadas, vol. 8, núm. VII, 2006, pp. 1-28.

In this article I have wanted to delineate the central trends from labour scene of Latin America in the frame of neoliberalism, as well as the domineering perceptions concerning these processes. I have centered in the aspects of major meaning for wage-labor in their insertion to the economic cycle from the sale of the labourforce. The aim is to show that the different dimensions that include the relations between capital and work they have been change thoroughly, and not also in a level of the labour market; nevertheless that is this one the space that has deserved main attention of analysts and politicians. The proposition is that the origin of changes that they have been express in circulation sphere it will be find in adjustment substantive from mechanism extraction of the surplus value (inside productive process), and the results is the reformulation of traditional standards from the distribution of social wealth between the productive factors.
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