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Meritocracy and Leadership: The Keys to Social and Educational Change According to Enseñá por Argentina
Maria Victoria Matozo Martinez y Adriana Saavedra.
En Teach For All Counter-Narratives. international perspectives on a global reform movementedited. (Estados Unidos): Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers.

Análisis de la formación docente en la OGN "Enseñá por Argentina".This chapter reveals our history, two former Pexas (Professionals of Enseñápor Argentina) in the period 2011?2013, and connects our personal experienceswith our appreciation of Teach For All?s Argentina project: Enseñá por Argentina (ExA). Although we, Adriana and Victoria, have similarbackgrounds, we had different experiences in ExA, whic is why our commentsabout this NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) will be different.Nevertheless, we have a similar discursive critique about what was ?taught?during the program from different points of view about the logic of ExA.Victoria finished the program and returned three years later as a tutor for theSIF (Summer Initial Seminar of Formation 2015), whereas Adriana submittedher resignation after six months of work through ExA in 2012.This chapter contextualizes the organization ?Teach For All? (TFAll) inArgentina and focuses in the inconsistencies between ExA?s change theoryand innovative pedagogy, and the real teaching training and classroom practicesthat took place during the second cohort of ExA.
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