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Gender inequality in the use of time in Argentina. An introductory note
Paz, Jorge A. y Arévalo, Carla de los Ángeles.
This paper analyzes paid and unpaid work-time inequalities among urban adults. Data from the Time Use Survey (TUS) 2005 of Buenos Aires City are used. Many of the variables that were analyzed in conjunction with the TUS, come from the survey of households that jurisdiction. Multivariate analysis was applied using the method of Heckman (1979 ) to control the possible bias caused by sample selection.The main results show that comparable women and men groups did not differ in the number of hours they devoted to them and generating economic value, but significant differences were seen in employment rates corrected by the addition of housework and care. Also it could be seen that there is significant sexual division of labor and that women who bear demographic overload imposed by children.
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