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Principle of the Best Interest of the Child in the sole processes of execution of extrajudicial conciliation of possession and visitation records
Castro Villena, A. y Chalco Luque, K. R.
DIKÉ. Revista Peruana de Derecho y Ciencia Política, vol. 1, núm. 1, 2021, pp. 31-73.
One of the great problems that exists in the unique processes of execution of extrajudicial conciliation records of possession and visitation regime at present, is that the jurisdictional bodies ritualistically execute the executive claims in which the rights of minors are immersed, such as a sort of mere patrimonial objects, passing the minor, of whom it is intended to execute the possession and visitation regime, as an object and not as a subject of rights, thus violating the best interest of the minor, a right that is protected by the Political Constitution of Peru (1993), the Code of Children and Adolescents and international organizations (Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1990). From this, the study tries to show the ritualistic processing in the unique processes of execution of extrajudicial conciliation acts of possession and visitation, and as a consequence, the transgression of the principle of the Best Interest of the Child, which reveals the violation of the rights that are inherent to the minors involved in said processes.
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