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Digital Narratives of COVID-19: A Twitter Dataset for Text Analysis in Spanish
Allés-Torrent, Susanna, del Rio Riande, Gimena, Bonnell, Jerry, Song, Dieyun y Hernández, Nidia.
, vol. 7, 2021.
Digital Narratives of COVID-19 (DHCovid) offers a curated Twitter corpus of digitalconversations about the Coronavirus pandemic. The dataset is collected through ascript via Twitter?s Application Programming Interface (API) starting on April 24th,2020, and stored on GitHub as an open access repository of tweet identifiers that canbe consulted, downloaded, and reused by scholars interested in Natural LanguageProcessing (NLP), topic modelling, and other quantitative methods. A stable version ofthe dataset has also been released through Zenodo. Twitter datasets are structured inthree main collections: tweets in Spanish worldwide; geolocated tweets in six Spanishspeakingareas spanning North and Central America (Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador),South America (Argentina, Peru), and Europe (Spain); and geolocated tweets in Englishand Spanish from the greater Miami area in South Florida.
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