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The last day of president Martín Vizcarra, Peru 2020: Losing the crown and power in a turbulent end
Canaza-Choque, F. A.
Revista Peruana de Derecho y Ciencia Política, vol. 2, núm. 2, 2022, pp. 1-16.
Dirección estable:
This is a brief analysis of the turbulent end of the government of the former Peruvian president, Martín Vizcarra Cornejo (2018-2020). The latter's ascent to the throne after the imminent resignation of his predecessor Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on march 21, 2018, in the midst of a deep political crisis, would seal his fate. Well, the subsequent presidential resignation would be followed by a seizure of power brought down by ministerial resignations, of persistent tensions between the Legislative and the Executive that, to aggravate the panorama of the decisions of the new Head of State, would be added the high risk introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and the aroused accusations of corruption against Kuczynski's heir; that, after an extensive debate in Congress and a grotesque imposition of the number of votes, they would approve of removing him from power on the night of november 2020. A tragic end that would provoke sudden reactions and various social marches nationwide on the most difficult day for Peru.
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