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The Performer as Interpretative Player
Favio Shifres.
Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference. Queen's University, Kingston, 2001.
This paper proposes a reconsideration of the interpretative role of the performer. Such a role involve the articulation of i) the composer´s intentions, ii) the meaningful content of the musical structure by itself regardless composer´s intentions, and iii) the performer´s originality and creativity. Two eminent performances of the Prelude in B minor Op. 28 N. 6 by Chopin were analysed in terms of dynamics and timing as the most relevant attributes of the pianistic expression. The results of this analysis were related to two analytical interpretations aroused form to approaches in the exam of the its musical structure. It was intended to show that: i) different elements of the musical structure can became relevant according to each particular reading of the musical piece; ii) these elements - properly arranged justify a coherent and organic interpretation of the work; iii) This interpretation consists on a given organisation of expressive (microestructural) attributes in order to re-shape structural characteristics such as the articulation of formal units; iv) performers use those expressive resources according to functions that emerge and can be understood within their proper referential context, instead of according to fixed rules.
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