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Moira Pérez y Blas Radi.
En Rodriguez, Nelson M., Martino, Wayne J., Ingrey, Jennifer C. y Brockenbrough, Edward, Critical Concepts in Queer Studies and Education. New York (Estados Unidos): Palgrave Macmillan.
This chapter contends that Queer Theory should not be merely an end in itself, but a means or tool to guarantee more satisfactory lives for the subjects it focuses on. With that end in mind, the backbone of the analysis will be “privilege” and its use in academic and educational circles. Our guidelines will be the pair “absence/presence”: the production of presence effects of agents who are effectively excluded—absent—from actual and conceptual environments related to the academy, and absence effects in those who are, in fact, part of those circles but are systematically obliterated. Our work identifies such mechanisms of obliteration, and then proceeds to put forward several ways to make a positive use of the contexts where we work. Our aim is to identify the privileges these contexts entail, in order to actively promote their redistribution.
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