¿No posee una cuenta?
Actors, Struggles and Tensions in the Configuration of Associativism in the Field of Argentine Physical Education, 1909–1936
Antonella Bertolotto.
Histories of Education and Reform: Traditions, tensions and transitions. International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Budapest, 2023.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the configuration of the Asociación de Profesores deEducación Física (APEF), the Sociedad Amigos de la Educación Física (Society Friends of PhysicalEducation) and the Asociación de Deportes Racionales (ADR), by analyzing the Revista de laEducación Física between 1909 and 1936.All of them were founded and supported by the Instituto Nacional Superior de Educación Físican°1 “Dr. Enrique Romero Brest” of Buenos Aires, Argentina. They had different periods andlevels of protagonism, working together at times. APEF and the Society of Friends were the maininterlocutors between Romero Brest, the Institute and the national political-pedagogicalscenario. In this sense, it is hypothesized that the emergence of these associative links respondsin one sense to the Institute’s need to standardize, homogenize and federalize discourses andmeanings around an official way of educating bodies and subjectivities, both inside and outsideschools. But it also responds to struggles for improved working conditions and access, ways ofpromoting teaching and salary increases. Aspects that take relevance in a national epochalclimate characterized by the configuration of associative and union links in the educational field– mainly during the late 19th and early 20th century – (Southwell, 2021), a fragmented, precariousand growing professional training in Physical Education (Aisenstein, 2006) and the constantdevelopment of Argentine physical culture (Archetti, 2005).
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