¿No posee una cuenta?
Consideraciones acerca del “cuestionario de apreciación sobre rol y aspiraciones personales” en personas que forman parte de una organización de seguridad
Losada, Analia Veronica, Rivela, Carolina Viviana y Otero, María Victoria.
Revista Observatorio, vol. 5, núm. 1, 2019, pp. 497-527.
Dirección estable:
The present work was carried out with the aim of describing the appreciation of the role and personal aspirations of people who are part of Segurity Organization. These appraisals and aspirations are actually the social representations that the participants have regarding the role, that is, they make up ideas, images and assumptions. Through the questionnaire that we administed it was possible to analyze the social representations that are held in relation to the role and the activities they perform. The results obtained allowed us to refine the instrument taking into account the contributions of the participants and make changes in some statements that were significant.
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