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Taking Action with Family and Community Members: Critical Pedagogy as a Framework for Educational Change
Heras, Ana Inés.
En Advances in Confluent Education. Stamford, Connecticut: U.S.A.: JAI Press Inc..
In January of 1998 the school board members of Santa Barbara, California, unanimously voted to end the 25 year bilingual education program. The Latino Spanish-speaking families united to take action against this measure and participated in several community-organized meetings, rallies and press conferences. The families boycotted the school system, attended school board meetings, sent letters to the board and the school administration, and actively sought information on their rights, obligations and avenues to make their voices heard. They were supported in their efforts by local organizations, community members, and leaders who belong to a broad range of ethnic and language backgrounds. This chapter analyzes the community and family organized experiences to fight for their rights.
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