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Dislocating property: Social solidarity practices, discourses and meaning making processes in Rosario and Buenos Aires, Argentina
Heras Monner Sans, Ana Inés.
Bolsena (Italy) Writing Retreat - CEC. Community Economies Collective, Bolsena, 2017.
Abstract: In this piece I seek to interrogate the notion of property by examining the practices, discourses and meaning making processes of two collectives in Argentina, one in the city of Rosario (the Movimiento Trabajadores Autogestionados) and the other one in the city of Buenos Aires (the Circuito Cultural Marcos). These collectives are defined by their members as networks, i.e., spaces/times to do things together where they participate in exchange (of resources, knowledge, information) and use of common goods (e.g., buildings and other material resources). Collective ownership and sharing are situated cultural categories that are either directly addressed in discourse (e.g., during interactions in the collective´s assemblies or in written communication to others) or come up indirectly when participants reflect on the practices in which they engage (e.g., when discussing the way they organize their work cooperatively, or when they collaborate to do something together like a Fair in an open public space). Other categories used by these groups are protected space, refuge, non-alienated spaces. Conceptually, I explore these situated notions and categories vis a vis the notion of property that traverses society as an overpowering concept (e.g., private property, being a proprietor, owning [material resources]) and other notions of property being conceptualized and practiced by social-solidarity groups (e.g., common property; solidarity property; cooperative resources).
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