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Education and Fatherhood in Argentina
Heras, Ana Inés.
En Promising Practices for Fathers´ Involvement in Children´s Education. Charlotte, New Carolina (Estados Unidos): Information Age Publishing.
First, I will describe Argentina´s current public policies that directly or indirectly address gender relationships, v.g., Ley de Matrimonio Igualitario; Ley de Educación Sexual Integral; Ley de Salud Reproductiva y Procreación Responsible; Ley de Cupo (roughly translated as Equal Marriage Law for People of the same Sex; Integrated Sexual Education Law; Reproductive Health and Responsible ProCreation Law; Affirmative Action Law towards Gender Balance in Politics). I will also draw on a study I coordinated 2 years ago now on gender relationships and their impact on social, political and educational issues, and relate it to literature on the field of public policies and gender relationships as well. I consider this is an adequate frame from where father involvement in their children education could be looked at. I will take education in a broad sense, i.e., not only schooling. Secondly, I will analyze some initiatives taken by self-managed collective groups (e.g. cooperative of workers, cooperative schools, groups that work towards supporting family-school connections, voluntary groups that help families access formal and non formal education) in order to show how these experiences put at the center of their practice an explicit discussion about what counts as gender equity, and in this context, what counts as being a caregiver, how being a caregiver may be enacted across genders, and how in turn this frame may impact children socialization and education. These initiatives are analyzed as part of a larger study that I am currently conducting on "Auto Gestión y Aprendizaje". Lastly, I will portray a series of un-answered questions that should be posed and discussed in order to further the tendencies currently taking shape in Argentina, namely those that challenge a patriarchal view of fatherhood and motherhood. It should be taken into account that Argentina is a male-oriented society, still organized by a patriarchal view and discourse that nonetheless have been put into question by several different sectors of society, which, in turn, have organized themselves to put their issues on the policy agenda.
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