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Agency and struggle in present Argentinean schools
Heras Monner Sans, Ana Inés.
En Surviving economic crises through education. New York, USA (Estados Unidos): Peter Lang.
This chapter reflects on what agency looks like when it is taken up by families at public, state supported schools. In doing this, a tension between two different sets of ideas arises: education as a right versus education as a commodity becomes apparent. When education is conceived of as a right, the guiding principle is equal education for all. This line of thought was prominent in Argentina over several decades, and the country had been known for its high literacy rates, high school attendance and high graduation rates. A different orientation has been pushed forward for more than two decades now, and has sought to equate families to consumers, and to frame education as being bought and sold within the market economy. This chapter argues that this logic is tied to the discourse on the benefits of globalization, which in Argentina was overtly taken up during the 90s, yet it was foregrounded prior to that decade, and still prevails. In the midst of this ideological conflict over education, there was the economic crisis of 2001, which has deepened and inflated the divide between those who believe that education is a fundamental right, and those who believe in free market economics. Therefore, to survive economic crises through education one must bridge this divide, and reconcile the rights of individuals to be educated with prevailing market conditions.
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