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TEIScribe: A graphic tool for composing and testing TEI documents in the context of the EVI-LINHD environment
María Gimena del Rio Riande, Elena González Blanco García, Clara Martínez Cantón y Antonio Robles.
TEI Conference and Members? Meeting 2016. Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, Viena, 2016.
TEIScribe helps the Digital Humanities community to concurrently label texts with TEI without XML knowledge through a graphic and intuitive design that aims to break language and technological barriers. The tool, which was conceived and developed for the BIESES project in order to boost collaborative work5, is based on some of the existing collaborative cloud editors (such as FontoXML, or CWRC writer), so its learning curve is low. The creation, codification and edition of the attributes is done with only a few mouse clicks.This brief article aims to explain how TEIScribe works and how it was developed.
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