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Editing a Medieval Hispanic Poetry Corpus with TextGrid
María Gimena del Rio Riande.
Between July 20th and September 16th, 2015, and thanks to a CENDARI fellowship, I spent a 10-week fellowship at the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH). I worked on the TEI encoding (mainly verse module) of almost fifty debate and dialogue poems in the Cancionero the Baena, and analyze and compare their formal characteristics. The project meant to argue that data-rich analysis of poetic meters offers humanistic insights into medieval Iberian poetry. The research questions underlying the project focussed on: the use of digital methods to create and make available knowledge that could not be achieved otherwise, and that in the case of this project were related to the coincidences revealed by the digital edition and comparison of a large amount of verse structures and metrical and rhyming patterns, in order to identify coincidences between poets and groups of poems, the development of new methodologies that enabled original research about formal metrical practice on the basis of large digital corpora, e.g., the use of XPath/XQuery to process XML-TEI-encoded editions applied to texts edited and studied through a traditional and rigorous philological approach, the use of digital tools that make it possible to address new research needs.
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