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Digital Humanities. A God of many faces
María Gimena del Rio Riande.
Congreso Higher School of Economics de Moscú. Higher School of Economics de Moscú, Moscú, 2018.
These days there is no way scientific research can be carried out without the use of digital media for the production or dissemination of knowledge. Undoubtedly, McLuhan is right when stating that the medium is the message. Digital Humanities transparent this process in its name and since it constitutes, for the first time, a scientific field where humanists not only aim at the use of a certain software, but also where research is understood from quantitative semantics. However, neither digital infrastructures are exactly the same globally, nor are all academies prepared to reformulate their curricula to this "digital turn". Consequently, can we still talk about those so-called Global Digital Humanities or should we focus on a regional or local scale? How does the technological development of a country impact on a scientific field in which digital infrastructures are needed when researching and teaching? The object of this presentation is to reflect on Digital Humanities both from a geopolitical and a technocritical perspective, regarding different contexts and conditions of possibility.
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