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Segundo Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Humanas “Actualidad de lo clásico y saberes en disputa de cara a la sociedad digital" >
Transmedia and Activism: Engaged Buddhism & Arab Spring Protests as two exemplary Transmediality cases of study in the XXI century
Cruz, Andrea Carolina - estudiante de LELI.
Segundo Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Humanas “Actualidad de lo clásico y saberes en disputa de cara a la sociedad digital". Escuela de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, San Martín, 2022.

This work intends to analyse the way in which transmedia is applied to and becomes the new resource for socially concerned narratives, which enable and favour a larger access of people to healthy practices. This is the case of mindfulness from an Engaged Buddhism perspective created by Thich Nhat Hahn and of the Spring Arab Protests that started in furtherance of social activism to raise awareness about political and social changes. What Henry Jenkins has coined as Transmedia Storytelling and its relation to world-building is key to pinpoint the different expansions of an ancient narrative such as Buddhism and Islam. As from the 1960s, Renewed Buddhism has fostered healthy practices and is currently resorted to in all spheres in the community all around the world, especially zen meditation and mindfulness within the context of non-violence. At the same time, as from 2010, the Arab community in Middle East countries has started to raise their voices through different platforms and media in their attempt to foster democracy and to counteract military governments. Thus, Transmedia Storytelling becomes an essential part of the process of expansion of both religions; likewise, the question of identity in the XXI century related to this topic becomes crucial for the Arabs who want to find their true identity in their freedom of choice, as well as for Engaged Buddhist practitioners in their search for well-being and world peace. Identity is key as mindfulness may appear as the source to counteract Bauman’s concept of liquidization of modern lives. These two cases will be particularly explored under the scope of Transmediality as the convergence between literature and technology. Social awareness about new ways of living mindfully and democratically is raised and enhanced through a narrative expanded in different media, immersive experiences, design thinking, socially concerned communication tools and a continuous ever increasing engagement of consumers’ participation. The origin of the tradition presented by Thich Nhat Hahn will be traced and the continuous expansion of his renewed Buddhist narratives will be explored. The beginning of the Arab Spring Protests and their significance for the Arab world will be scrutinised in an attempt to discuss the transmedia analysis of Mindfulness and of transmedia activism as two new socially concerned approaches of Transmediality for social change.
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