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A Book Of One's Own: Gender Diversity and Non Binary Identities Represented in Recent Literature
Bica, Paola Bica - UNSAM UNAHUR.
Gómez, Rocío - TEIFEM.
Gómez, Rocío - TEIFEM.
Segundo Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Humanas “Actualidad de lo clásico y saberes en disputa de cara a la sociedad digital". Escuela de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, San Martín, 2022.

Non binary representations openly discussed in literature are a rather recent phenomenon, which goes hand in hand with the social changes witnessed in these past decades.
In this essay, books such as Gender Failure (Coyote, Spoon, 2014), Symptoms of Being Human (Garvin, 2016), None of the Above (Gregorio, 2015), I Wish You All the Best (Deaver, 2019) will be analyzed in order to explore how these examples introduce the reader to different perspectives which escape gender normativity.
For this purpose, we will discuss a variety of topics, including pronouns and language representations, visibility of non binary experiences, discrimination and resisting binary norms.
Authors related to gender discourse, for example, Judith Butler, Riki Wilchins and Mauro Cabral, will be consulted.
Butler, J. (1988) Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory. Theatre Journal 40, no. 4.
Cabral, M., Benzur, G. (2005) Cuando digo intersex: un diálogo introductorio a la intersexualidad.
I. W. Gregorio (2015) None of the Above. California: Balzer + Bray.
Spoon, Rae, and Ivan Coyote. (2014) Gender Failure. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
Wilchins, R. A. (2004) Queer theory, gender theory: an instant primer. Los Angeles: Alyson Books.
Garvin, J. (2016) Symptoms of Being Human. California: Balzer + Bray.
Mason D. (2019) I Wish You All the Best. North Carolina: Push.
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