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Unmasking the constructed nature of reality: plurality, diversity and world views in The Slap, by Christos Tsiolkas
Sandra Verónica Zapata - UNSAM.
1º Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Humanas - Humanidades entre pasado y futuro. Escuela de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Gral. San Martín, 2019.
ABSTRACT The proliferation of readily distinguishable differences, valued and promoted in contemporary public discourse, creates a tension which is evident in The Slap, by Christos Tsiolkas. This novel portrays how effective communication between the characters is hindered owing to ideological disparities which stem from cultural, religious, class, gender and generational differences, leading the participants to engage in negotiations, which do not always prove successful, as a primary pursuit in their relationship. This dissertation investigates the discourses, ideologies, and identity negotiation experiences of different characters while its aim is to explore the ways in which this novel interrogates conventional representations of reality and truth through a plurality of discourse, which in turn foregrounds ontic dimensions with a focus on power relations . To achieve this aim, the investigation was guided by the following question: To what extent is the social speech diversity between the characters of The Slap an obstacle in their communication? By social speech diversity it is meant registers, the interweaving of which produces the effect of heteroglossia. The leading question was answered by means of the analysis of each character and their position with respect to central issues in the novel, their thoughts and beliefs, and how these thoughts and beliefs were linguistically conveyed. The study was informed by critical discourse studies and the analysis of ideological polyphony. The structure of the novel – eight Nouvelles, each from a different standpoint - adds to the overall disruptive effect. The main conclusion of this research paper was to assert the conflicting nature of the characters’ speech in The Slap owing to ideological differences, which highlights the wide breach between each of them, as well as to disclaim any conventional representation of the novel given its ontological dominant. This study has implications for researchers studying discourse, power, and identity through a critical lens
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