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Transtextuality in the film Hot Fuzz: a road to postmodern artistic autonomy
Florance, Celso - EH-UNSAM.
Gosp, Florencia - EH-UNSAM.
Gosp, Florencia - EH-UNSAM.
1º Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Humanas - Humanidades entre pasado y futuro. Escuela de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Gral. San Martín, 2019.

Taking into consideration Gerard Genette’s taxonomy of transtextual relations and Jean Baudrillard's notion of artifacts in the mediascape as esentially self-referential, our study explores the modes in which the film Hot Fuzz, by director Edgar Wright, refers to other films while paradoxically affirming its own autonomy as a work of art.
After surveying the film, it was found that the use of paratextuality, hypertextuality, metatextuality, and intertextuality pervades the movie to the point that transtextuality becomes a motif on its own. This, we found, accounts for Hot Fuzz as a postmodern cultural artifact that, by paying homage to movies of the action genre in particular and cinema in general, foregrounds its status of artifact and detaches itself from a realist mode of representation.
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