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Adolescentes víctimas de violencia urbana y depresión
Belçaguy, Nora y Quiroga, Susana E.
XII Jornadas de Investigación y Primer Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del Mercosur. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Se investigó la relación entre exposición a la violencia urbana y manifestaciones depresivas, en una muestra de adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años, utilizando el cuestionario My ETV (My Exposure to Violence. Buka, 1997) y el CDI (Children’s Depression Inventory. Kovacs, 1989) que discrimina 5 factores (estado de ánimo negativo, problemas interpersonales, inefectividad, anhedonia y autoestima negativa) y un puntaje total. Resultados: Experiencias que resultaron mejores predictoras de estado de ánimo negativo: ‘te discriminaron’, ‘te gritaron’ y ‘te persiguieron’; problemas interpersonales: ‘viste un accidente serio’ y ‘te enteraste de que mataron a un conocido o familiar’; inefectividad: ‘te discriminaron’y‘teforzaronahaceralgomalo’;anhedonia:tediscriminaron’; autoestima negativa: ‘te discriminaron’y ‘te gritaron’; Puntaje Total: ‘te discriminaron’, ‘te gritaron’, ‘te asaltaron’, ‘te persiguieron’ y ‘te enteraste de que mataron a un familiar o conocido’. Se compararon dos subgrupos conformados por los adolescentes que respondieron que se sintieron afectados por algún suceso y los demás. Los primeros tuvieron una media mayor en todos los puntajes de CDI y la diferencia fue significativa en ‘estado de ánimo negativo’, ‘problemas interpersonales’ y en el puntaje total. Los resultados indican que diversas manifestaciones depresivas acompañan con regularidad a las experiencias traumáticas. Palabras Clave violencia trauma depresión adolescencia Abstract ADOLESCENT VICTIMS OF URBAN VIOLENCE AND DEPRESSION The relation between exposure to urban violence and depressive manifestations was studied in a 12-18-year-old adolescents’ sample with My ETV (My Exposure to Violence. Buka, 1997) and CDI (Children Depression Inventory. Kovacs, 1989), that differences 5 factors (negative mood, ineffectiveness, negative self-esteem, interpersonal problems and anhedonia). Results: Experiences that resulted best predictors of negative mood: ‘you were discriminated’, ‘you were yelled at’ and ‘you were chased’; interpersonal problems: ‘you saw a serious accident’ and ‘you have been told that someone you knew had been killed’; ineffectiveness: ‘you were discriminated’ and ‘you were forced to do something bad’; anhedonia: ‘you were discriminated’; negative self-esteem: ‘you were discriminated’ and ‘you were yelled at’; Total score: ‘you were discriminated’, ‘you were yelled at’, ‘you were assaulted’, ‘you were chased’ and ‘someone you knew was killed’. Two groups were formed based on the adolescents’ answers: those who felt that they had been affected by a traumatic event and those who had not. The first group had a higher media in all the scores of CDI and the difference was significant in negative mood, interpersonal problems and in the total score. The results indicate that traumatic experiences are frequently accompanied by depression manifestations. Key words violence trauma depression adolescence
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