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Modelos mentales de residentes de psicología clinica: la relación entre el recorte y analisis de situaciones problema con la experiencia clinica y docente
Ramos, Ana Laura - UBACyT, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.
VIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXIII Jornadas de Investigación XII Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2016.
UBACyT. El trabajo se realiza en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación Código 20020150100093BA de la Programación 2016-2019 “Apropiación participativa y construcción de sentidos en prácticas de intervención para la inclusión, la calidad y el lazo social: intercambio y desarrollo de herramientas, saberes y experiencias entre psicólogos y otros agentes”, Directora Mg. Cristina Erausquin Palabras clave Residentes de psicología clinica, Modelos mentales, Profesionaliza- ción, Cambio cognitivo ABSTRACT MENTAL MODELS OF RESIDENTS OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TRIMMING AND ANALYSIS OF SITUATIONS PROBLEM WITH TEACHING AND CLINIC EXPERIENCE This paper analyzes situational mental models of clinical psychology residents who work in public hospitals in the city of Buenos Aires pondering the complexity of problem situations selected and analyzed by professionals. Psychology residents perform a mastery and participative appropriation process of mediation instruments on a teaching-and-practice comunity. The study focuses development/change processes of learning in professional action of clinic psychologists of 3 general hospitals in the city of Buenos Aires who entered the Residence System in Clinical Psychology between 2012 and 2016. It focuses on the description of data collected from entrants to first and fourth year of training in June 2016. In comparisons of the proffesional´s questionnaires of both years progress and spins are observed in cutting issues of intervention in the clinical field , lattices with the training and performance of the teaching role. It points to the further development of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of questionnaires answered by these same professional agents at the end of the current cycle formation in May 2017, hypothesizing changes towards greater complexity. Key words Residents of clinical psychology, Mental models, Professionalism,
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