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Salud comunitaria y hegemonía en trabajadores de enfermería
Lenta, María Malena, Novo Foti, María Luisa, Liffschitz, Cecilia y Pérez, Kattya.
XIII Jornadas de Investigación y Segundo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del Mercosur. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2006.
El presente trabajo indaga sobre el desgaste profesional de enfermería y las condiciones de producción de Actos de Salud en contextos comunitarios, a partir de un acercamiento a un colectivo de trabajadores/as de un hospital de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en el marco del proyecto UBACyT, Praxis Psicosocial Comunitaria (2004-2007) y el Observatorio en Prevención y Promoción de Salud Comunitaria, dirigidos por G. Zaldúa. Partiendo de la demanda de la supervisión del área de enfermería,coincidenteconeliniciodeunproyectocomunitario, el equipo de investigación da comienzo a una etapa de evaluación ex - ante Palabras clave Praxis Investigación Participativa Enfermería ABSTRACT COMMUNITARY HEALTH AND HEGEMONY IN NURSING WORKERS The main goal of this paper is to portray the development of an experience in the health assessment of the nursing workers. This research belongs to the UBACyT project "Psychosocial Community Praxis" (2004-2007) in the framework of "The Observatory for Prevention and Promotion about health of the workers", directed by Zaldúa. The methodology combines Participative Research with Associated Management techniques. Our point of view emphasizes on the social, institutional and collective responsibility over the condition of health acts production. During the research in the field, there was a moment in which we focused in the worker´s perception in an intensive and qualitative way. That includes data collection and qualitative analysis. Health questionnaire, focus groups, observations and burnout scale were used also as a means to achieve our ends. As a conclusion, we found important contradictions and a sense of unease because of the hegemonic models used in the community practices of nursing. Gender inequality is and important fact that define the nursing profession. Use of time and working places has built a negative combinatory that generated more flexible conditions of labor and, as a result, labor precariousness. Key words Praxis Participative Research Nursing
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