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VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXI Jornadas de Investigación Décimo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR >
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Estratégia clínico-interpretativa: pesquisa com o método psicanalítico
Dockhorn, Carolina y Macedo, Mônica.
VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XXI Jornadas de Investigación Décimo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2014.

Este tema livre aborda a temática da alteração da percepção, da temporalidade e do corpo como recurso próprio à toxicomania que conduz ao ser-estar alterado em si mesmo e no investimento ao objeto.Assim, discute-se, por meio de duas vinhetas como o encontro do sujeito com o objeto-droga reproduz intensidades de investimentos decorrentes do predomínio de vivências de indiferença no encontro com o objeto primordial. São explorados aportes da Psicanálise que permitem problematizar a intensidade de dor psíquica presente no padecimento toxicômano.
Palavras chave
Drogas, Recurso à alteração, Vivência de indiferença
CLINICAL-INTERPRETATIVE STRATEGY: RESEARCH USING THE PSYCHOANALYTICAL METHOD The Clinical-Interpretative Strategy’s research pillars are Listening, Abstinence, Transference, and Interpretation. In it, the presence of a psychoanalyst to put the method into operation is an essential condition of the process. Clinical Narratives are built during the researcher’s first contact with the material of his/her investigation. A second analysis instance follows, inspired in the dynamics of supervision: Listening to Listening. The advisor-psychoanalyst and research-psychoanalyst look into the information from the Clinical Narrative.This phase makes it possible to triangulate the data into a new problem of the elements used to put together the first interpretative hypotheses. Interpretative hypotheses are created about the clinical cases worked on (at an individual level), along with interpretation axes regarding the entire set of information. Notwithstanding the necessary focus on the specificity and rigor proper to Psychoanalysis, this Strategy is not about proposing rigid criteria that must be “applied” to new studies. In the Theoretical-Interpretative Discussion Phase, the theoretical basis is created for the interpretation axes built in the earlier phases as the axes are examined under the light of psychoanalytical metapsychology.
Key words
Psychoanalysis, Research, Psychoanalytical Method, Clinical-Inter-
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