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Education in totalitarism in the film Liam: school as a “disciplinary institution” in Foucault and the exercise of education as the introduction of new human beings in the world in Arendt
Mariano da Rosa, Luiz Carlos.
Opinião Filosófica / Sociedade Hegel Brasileira [Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil], vol. 12, núm. 2, 2021, pp. 1-28.
Based on the film Liam (2000) and on the ideological implications of the educational-formative process in the context of totalitarianism, the article analyzes the school as a “disciplinary institution” through the perspective of Michel Foucault in a construction that tends to “manufacture” individuals as “individuals-objects" and "individuals-instruments", converging to a relationship which encloses both obedience and utility and overlaps slavery, domesticity, vassality and asceticism and implies a progressive domination that attributes to the school space the condition of a “teaching machine” that has the capacity to monitor, hierarchize and reward. Thus, using Hannah Arendt, the article points out that, if education consists of introducing new human beings into the world in a process that attributes the exercise of educating the possibility involving a “by-in-order” that implies the tension between the new and the old, a concept of authority corresponding to the educational scope is essential and that enables the educator to assume the role of representative of the world in the face of the new generation in a teaching-learning relationship that overlaps authority as responsibility for the world over knowledge of the world itself and the teacher's ability to carry out the subjects' instruction.
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