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“I cannot give myself tied hand and foot to our enemies and die covered in shame ...”: war battles of Indomitable Puma in the Northern Zone of the Puno region during the Peruvian Emancipation
Choquehuanca Mamani, Lizbeth y Condori-Alvarez, Franz Lenin.
DIKÉ. Revista Peruana de Derecho y Ciencia Política, vol. 1, núm. 1, 2021, pp. 74-118.
This study aims to analyze the historical process of the battles led by Pedro Vilcapaza Alarcón in the Northern Zone of the Puno Region during the outbreak of the Peruvian Emancipation. His time was dominated by imperial powers, where Azángaro would prove to be the site of the rise of mass populations determined to fight for freedom and to offer revolutionaries worthy of immortality. By its line, this work unfolds within the historical and documentary research, finding the necessary support in the historical reconstruction and the analysis of bibliographic content. Here, the secret history of the warrior of the Andes is shown, of that character who is incarnated as one of the most important decolonizers and revolutionaries of the southern highlands. It was violent and direct against the league of tyrants and the spanish-creole colonial power, which, to destroy it, had a deadly impact within the conflicts of the catastrophe of the Carabaya mines, the battle of Surupana, Mamanchi, the destruction of Azángaro, the attack on Santiago de Pupuja, Huancané and the important battles of Condorcuyo, Pukina Qanqhari and Kimsa Sullka, the latter being his final battle with the defeat of the patriot army by the royalists in 1782. Finally, there is no doubt that all these disputes were aimed at dismantling the power relations of the colonial regime over the quechua-aymara nation. Event of valuable importance to achieve the beginnings of independence and get rid of the cruel Spanish domination.
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